Determines the differences between the current and ideal state of information security within your organisation. Focused onData Security it asses the physical, network, and process security measures in place or needed to be put in place to ensure greater compliance adherence. Based on Cyber Essentials, NIST, ISO, FCA
Creating a full map of your current network security and see where it can be improved. Taking a holistic approach to analyse your overall security configuration. Leading to a prioritised list of vulnerabilities to be mitigated or remediated against.
Cyber security staff awareness training is the most effective way to educate employees and ensure proper procedures are followed. It reduces risk and keeps your organisation’s data safe against cyber attacks.
An authorised simulated cyber attack on a computer system, performed to evaluate the security of your systems, networks or platforms. The test is performed to identify vulnerabilities including the potential for unauthorised parties to gain access to your network or your data.
One of the most common impersonation techniques is domain name spoofing. Others include brand impersonation on social media and the distribution of fake mobile apps. Prevent this with the identification of malicious websites that are intended to target your brand and sabotage your reputation.
Understanding data access, usage and whereabouts is one of the biggest challenges faced by organisations today. Data monitoring provides you with the means to know when your data is somewhere it shouldn’t be, and if it’s being misused.
By taking a holistic approach to public cloud security, we gain insight and visibility into threats and anomalous behaviour across your cloud services and respond to them appropriately. Enabling you to build and maintain your cloud security strategy and securely onboard public cloud assets as needed.
Developed to raise awareness of phishing emails. The training consists of a simulated phishing email, which is sent to staff within your organisation. A link within the email will take them through to an animation on how to spot the signs of a phishing attack, to increase their understanding of what to look out for in the future.
Provides independent advice on the right cyber investments for your business needs, business goals and of course, your business budget. Whilst developing your cyber security strategy, policies, processes and controls to deliver an expert evaluation of your organisation’s asset and data protection.
Experienced professionals who will ensure your organisation achieves the accredited ISO 27001 certification and can show to your supply chain and clients that your company is dedicated to following the best practices of information security.
Tailored to your organisation and assets. Its execution will segment your organisation and restrict access providing a quarantine effect, whilst identifying the threats and anomalous behaviour that can be the prelude to potential ransomware attacks and minimising the impact of a potential attack and limiting the vectors of access.
Uncover exposed credentials, ransomware data leaks, and customer PII listings from your organisation sold on IRC channels, forums, and criminal marketplaces.
Creating a set of tools and procedures that your security team can use to identify, eliminate, and recover from cybersecurity threats. It is designed to help your team respond quickly and uniformly against any type of external threat. Incident response plans ensure that responses are as effective as possible.
Experienced professionals who will ensure your organisation achieves SOC 2 certification focused on your non-financial reporting controls as they relate to Security, Availability, Processing integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy.
Creating a framework which is the procedural guidance to create plans that prevent, prepare, respond, manage, and recover a business from any disruption.
Experienced professionals who will ensure your organisation achieves Cyber Essentials Plus certification which includes a hands-on technical verification.
Identify data assets that may be affected by a cyberattack, including hardware, systems, laptops, customer data, and intellectual property, utilising vulnerability, and gap analysis. Based on Cyber Essentials, NIST, ISO, FCA
Maintaining a clear view of the cyber threat landscape; prioritising and conducting detailed analysis of key threats, mapping them to your systems, technology, and data sets.
Reducing the likelihood of a successful attack by decisions based on threat insights.
Evaluates the current state of the organisation’s IT systems, IT infrastructure, people, and processes, identifies opportunities for cost savings, assesses risks, and outlines scenarios for future systems.
Identifying risks and threats to the reputation of an individual or brand, concentrating on potential cyber threats. Focused on identifying and mitigating the threats and protecting your brand and your reputation.
Incident response delivers identification of the root cause of the incident, the kind of attack that occurred, the risk involved, and the scale of the attack. Assessment of the risk surrounding the incident, enabling you to understand your exposure and take steps to reduce the likelihood of reoccurrence. Recommended actions to contain and mitigate the current attack as well as potential future attacks.
We combine our expertise with that or regional, political, law enforcement agencies, and judicial teams to prove the identity of the perpetrators.
This enables the successful recovery of funds and assets.
To prepare your organisation for the potential impact of a cyber incident Remora have developed an Incident Response Retainer. Our IRR acts in a similar way to an insurance policy, but it also gives you added resources to deal with a devastating cyber attack.
Reviewing network activity, including emailing, messaging, and web browsing, to identify an attack, understand the cybercriminal’s attack techniques and gauge the scope of the incident. Analysing file systems within the endpoint for signs of compromise.
Productively manages the influx of data from a wide variety of sources, helping you to co-ordinate a timely, integrated, and wide-reaching response for the crisis at hand, smooth the path to recovery and prepare for future incidents.